We all know that executive talent is one of the few resources that has an internal multiplier capable of infinite leverage: it is a key success factor in corporate performance and differentiation. But reality proves that most often human potential and talent is underused and under-recognized. This post cannot change this reality, however it can give you some techniques on what you can do on a personal level to fully value your contribution… for your own benefit.
Career Governance is a game where 2 players are on the pitch: You and Your Eco-system.
50% of the solution is You.
Full responsibility is in your hands. You are your most valuable asset. But are you aware of your skills portfolio (yes, the average is 40 skills or more), your skills transferability, your personal characteristics (yes, the average is more than 50)? What about your personal positioning, your USP (unique selling proposition) and competitive advantage? Why You? Are you clear in answering the what-where-how questions about your future career? How much are you worth?
Answering these key questions will give you direction and put your career into perspective, will fully unleash your true potential and enhance your marketability.
In doing so you will be an opportunity… a chance for whomever you will meet.
The remaining 50% of the equation is your Ecosystem
It is your market and the context in which you operate: if you are employed then it is your current or future employer or if you are a start-up or solopreneur then it is your client base. But have you defined your ideal professional environment or your preferred targets in terms of company culture, leadership style, business model, market and product competitiveness? Are they offering growth and development opportunities? How is their reputation? Are they a good reference? How important is the human dimension inside the organization? Is it a «walk the talk» culture?
Clarifying this part of the equation in advance will help you to take charge and leadership of your career. But the truth is that you have very little impact on these factors.
It’s a balance act
So the 50% – 50% Equation of Career Governance means combining and balancing the above 2 components. Their weight varies depending on the career cycles of your business journey! Sometimes emphasis should be put on yourself sometimes, on your Ecosystem.
Remember «Luck is when preparation meets opportunity».